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Trout Central

Spring Creek Treasure, Second Edition PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jay Ford Thurston   
Wednesday, 30 June 2010 18:00

Spring Creek Treasure - Wisconsin's 100 Best Trout Streams - Second Edition



“This book was an excellent read! It was one of those books you hate for it to be finished…. The stories were entertaining and full of fishing tips.” Book Review, Amazon, L. Keegan       
“It’s a wonderful book. I really enjoyed reading it.” Larry Meiller, Wisconsin Public Radio
“I just want to say your book was excellent and I learned so much about trout fishing. I went out and bought a stream thermometer and started a fishing log.” Josh Gerrits, Green Bay, Wisconsin
“Spring Creek Treasure, is a must read!” Dave Carlson, Northland Adventures TV Program
“Your book is very scientific and I greatly appreciate that approach. I now feel I could try trout fishing with a good base of knowledge.” Bill Feehan, La Crosse, Wisconsin  

Product Description

Spring Creek Treasure contains 150 trout tips, more than any other trout fishing book. You will read about the importance of fishing when the stream temperature is rising. It’s a treasure of information including the greatest of all fishing secrets.  Regardless of how you fish trout (fly, spin, or bait) you will learn where and when to fish the stream each month of the season, from March through September.

The sixty entertaining and informative stories in the first edition are the same in the second edition. The changes in the second edition are in the 100 best trout streams and the addition of the 50 most scenic streams.   
As soon as the first edition was published, January, 2010, I began communicated with trout anglers throughout the state regarding the list of 100 best trout streams. I realized the trout streams in regions of sandy soil were rated too high and those in regions of limestone bedrock were rated too low. Also, I realized many anglers fished streams not just to catch trout but for the scenic beauty the stream provides.  
More time was needed to research and identify the 100 best streams and the 50 most scenic. In the Second Edition 19 streams were removed and replaced by 19 that rated higher. Most of the new streams came from Southwestern Wisconsin, a region of excellent soil and limestone bedrock. To assist me with research in identifying the 50 most scenic Wisconsin trout streams I sent a letter to each trout unlimited chapter in Wisconsin. Thanks to those members who  helped.

Jay Ford Thurston



Last Updated on Monday, 19 February 2018 18:52