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Trout Central

Summer Trout Fishing PDF Print E-mail
Trout Tips
Written by Jay Ford Thurston   
Sunday, 08 May 2011 10:06

Trout Tips from, Spring Creek Treasure, pgs. 300-301

46.  The sun is highest in the sky from April 21 to Auguest 21, and that is when you should fish early morning or when the sky is overcast.

48.  When approaching a pool with cover, where a big trout might be located, wade quietly like a deer on the shallow side of the stream.

49.  Fish the shadow areas of the stream when the sun hits the water.

57.  When the water temperature rises above 63 degrees trout start to shut down; and at 67 degrees they are usually dormant and refuse to hit an artificial.

62.  As the cold front approaches, when clouds appear and the air temperature is stable or rising, you can have excellent fishing.